Academic Subject Classification Project 

The purpose of the Academic Subject Classification System  (ASCS) project is to collaborate with subject matter experts on the topic of how human knowledge, especially academic subjects, is ideally organized. The basic organization of the website is as follows:

1. Starting Point: The knowledge system presented in the SOS is presented as one approach to the systematic organization of academic subjects. A basic summary. presented mostly in summary figures, appears under the About Tillich's System menu.

2. About Knowledge Systems: An overview of knowledge orgamization systems. The graphic above depicts the types of complex numbers as a mathematical construct, The SOS presents mathematics as one of the law sciences

Venn diagrams are an example of the systematic representation of human knowledge.

However, the System of Sciences is not a closed system as the diagram suggests. Rather, the creatve character of human knowledge demads a an open system. The concepts are discussed in the pages that follow.  

The discussion of open/closed systems is an example of a Discussion Point encouraged for further discussion. This list of topics is maintained here.

If you are intrigued by the conceptual introduction, read more. 

Discussion Points form the basis of contributions by Subject Matter Experts in 3. at right.

3. Contributions by Subject Matter Experts: Short articles by subject experts will be featured to discuss featured Discussion Points. .